March | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 82 | 172 |
Code Violations | 24 | 68 |
Escorts | 1 | 8 |
Environmentals | 30 | 132 |
Hours | 863.25 | 2,695.00 |
From March 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just over 850 patrol hours and reported 6 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 2,695.00 and 11, respectively.
Patrollers were approached by a merchant in the area of Summit and Chittenden who advised of a possibly intoxicated male loitering in the area of his business. The patrollers monitored the male. The patrollers reported that he entered a residence on 12th Avenue. No further action was taken.
The CCP radio operator was approached by a female in front of 248 E. 11th Avenue who had recovered a purse. The female advised that she contacted the owner and advised her to pick up the purse at 248 E. 11th Avenue.
Patrollers monitored an individual who appeared to be in the process of stealing a trash can in the area of 13th and High. The patrollers reported that the individual put the trash can back in place. No further action was taken.
Patrollers witnessed a male steal a traffic cone in the area of 15th and High. The patrollers recovered the cone and returned it to the scene.
Patrollers witnessed a male urinating in the area of 15th and Pearl. The patrollers advised the male that this was not the proper place to relieve oneself. The individual ceased activity and left the area.
Call of the Month
Patrollers witnessed a vehicle driving onto the front lawn of a residence in the area of Chittenden and High. The vehicle then fled the area westbound on 11th Avenue. The Ohio State University Police were notified of the situation. A short time later, the patrollers were advised that the driver of the vehicle was taken into custody. The patrollers prepared and submitted a witness statement for responding officers.
March | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 87 | 249 |
Code Violations | 70 | 168 |
Escorts | 0 | 0 |
Environmentals | 56 | 161 |
Hours | 721.75 | 2,293.00 |
From March 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just under 750 patrol hours and reported 5 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 1,571.25 and 11, respectively.
Patrollers monitored an argument between two individuals in the area of Hawkes and Broad. The patrollers reported that both individuals left in separate directions. No further action was taken.
Patrollers were notified of a shoplifting in the area of Dakota and Broad. The patrollers were unable to maintain visual contact on the suspect. The merchant advised CPD of the situation. No further action could be taken.
Patrollers monitored an argument between male and a female in the area of Princeton and Capital. The patrollers reported that the arguing ceased. No further action was taken.
Patrollers monitored a suspicious individual inside a business in the area of Dakota and Broad. Upon noticing the patrollers, the individual placed items back on the store’s shelves and left the business. No further action was taken.
Patrollers received information about a wanted suspect from CPD Car CRT-3 in the area of Town and Hawkes. Patrollers took note of the individual’s description and last known location.
March | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 41 | 97 |
Code Violations | 5 | 19 |
Escorts | 0 | 0 |
Environmentals | 21 | 78 |
Hours | 277.50 | 777.50 |
From March 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just over 250 patrol hours and reported 6 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 777.50 and 7, respectively.
Patrollers monitored a suspicious individual loitering in the rear of 424 Forest. The patrollers reported that the individual left the area. The patrollers advised CPD of the individual’s description and last known direction of travel. No further action was taken.
Patrollers reported an audible alarm at 121 Thurman. CPD was notified via 645-4545. CPD Cars 113 and 9160 responded to the scene. Responding officers searched the property and located no one on the premises. No further action was taken.
Patrollers monitored a suspicious individual yelling loudly at no one in particular in the area of Fourth and Deshler. The individual ceased suspicious activity. No further action was needed.
Patrollers located lost property including needles and legal documents in front of 225 E. Gates. The property was turned over to CPD Car 110.
Patrollers reported a suspicious individual loitering in the area of Blackberry and Seibert. The individual left the area. The patrollers contacted CPD via 645-4545. Patrollers provided information about description and last known direction of travel of the suspicious individual.
Patrollers reported a possibly intoxicated motorist in front of 225 E. Gates. The vehicle left the area. Patrollers contacted CPD via 645-4545 and notified them of the description and last known direction of travel of the vehicle. No further action could be taken.
March | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 50 | 92 |
Code Violations | 0 | 0 |
Escorts | 0 | 0 |
Environmentals | 21 | 69 |
Hours | 571.00 | 1,597.50 |
From March 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided 571.0 patrol hours and reported 1 significant incident. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 1,597.50 and 1, respectively.
Patrollers were approached by a merchant in front of 109 S. High who advised of a suspicious individual who refused to leave store property. CPD was notified of the situation via 645-4545. CPD Cars 240 and 162 responded to the scene and advised the individual to leave the area. The individual complied and no further action was needed.
Community Crime Patrol, Inc, 2000 All rights reserved. Site Map
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