June | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 107 | 594 |
Code Violations | 20 | 72 |
Escorts | 5 | 20 |
Environmentals | 46 | 327 |
Hours | 750.00 | 5,315.25 |
From June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just under 750 patrol hours and reported 3 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents 5,147.00 are and 7, respectively.
Patrollers reported a loud argument involving four males in the area of 13th and Indianola. CPD was notified via 645-4545. CPD Car 9040 responded to the scene. At the scene of the argument, property had been damaged. Car 9040 took a property destruction report. The patrollers cleared the scene.
Patrollers conducted a well-being check on a male in front of 1640 Indianola. The male was unresponsive and CPD was notified of the situation via 645-4545. CPD Car 9031 responded the scene, awoke the individual, and transported him to Net Care’s facility. No further action was needed.
Patrollers conducted a well-being check on a sleeping female in front of 1912 N. High. CPD was notified of the situation via 645-4545. CPD Cars 41 and 43 responded to the scene. Car 43 transported the female to Mary Haven. No further action was taken.
June | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 73 | 554 |
Code Violations | 19 | 128 |
Escorts | 0 | 1 |
Environmentals | 21 | 354 |
Hours | 550.00 | 4,358.00 |
From June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just under 550 patrol hours and reported 3 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 4,276.25 and 15, respectively.
Patrollers reported an auto accident with an injury in the area of Sullivant and Hague. CPD was notified via 911. Columbus Fire Department Medics 5, 17, and CFD Engine 12 responded to the scene. CPD Cars 102 and 106 responded to the scene. The suspect vehicle fled the area before the arrival of emergency response. One of the individuals in the victim vehicle was transported to Mount Carmel Hospital. The vehicle was cleared from the roadway and an accident report was taken.
Patrollers were approached by a female in the area of Martin and Broad, who advised the patrollers that she had been assaulted by her boyfriend earlier in the night. She requested medical attention. The patrollers escorted the female to Mount Carmel Hospital. CPD was notified via 645-4545. CPD Car 81 responded to the emergency room and took an assault report.
Patrollers were approached by an individual at 756 Sullivant, who advised that his residence had been boarded up by his landlord. The individual requested CPD respond to the scene and that he intended to enter the residence despite being blocked out. CPD was notified of the situation via 645-4545. CPD Wagon 88 responded to the scene. The individual approached the responding officers and explained the situation. Responding officers advised that since the landlord failed to notify the resident, entering the residence would not be considered breaking and entering. The individual then pulled a large board from the front window of the residence. The individual went on to explain that his lawn mower had been stolen. Responding officers took a theft report.
June | Year to date | |
Assists/Information | 43 | 189 |
Code Violations | 3 | 14 |
Escorts | 0 | 2 |
Environmentals | 10 | 115 |
Hours | 150.00 | 1,335.75 |
From June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009, the patrollers from Community Crime Patrol, Inc. provided just over 150 patrol hours and reported 0 significant incidents. Year-to-date totals for patrol hours and significant incidents are 1,388.25 and 0, respectively.
Community Crime Patrol, Inc, 2000 All rights reserved. Site Map
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